Being prepared for life after work generally takes three things: regular contributions, a successful investment strategy, and patience! Your Samuel Son & Co., Limited Retirement Plan gives you every opportunity to improve your financial picture over time based on:

  • your personal short- and long-term financial objectives.
  • a variety of funds with different levels of risk to match your investing style.
  • monitoring and updating your investment strategy to address your changing needs and circumstances.

It’s your money. You work hard for it. The secret is making it work harder for you.

When eligible, you are required to enroll in the plan.
For directions, please visit the Retirement Plan Enrollment page.

Do you know how much money you will need in retirement and how much you should be putting away to reach your goals?

Find out by logging on to your MySunlife website (Login ID and password provided through Samuel HR). From there, you have access to retirement planning tools including a retirement income calculator to determine if you are on track for retirement.

Quick access: Logging into your account to complete the Asset Allocation tool provides the best experience and access to many other tools, but if you prefer, a printable investment risk profiler is also available.